Get Involved

How to Get Involved

We welcome and encourage you to engage with us! Please take our survey (below) to share your thoughts on key project decisions. Email the project team at with any questions on community engagement events or how to get more involved in stakeholder conversations. Subscribe to stay updated on the project.

Project Timeline

The following is a rough timeline of the different phases of our project. Currently, we are in the process of engaging with the public and community stakeholders. We are in the process of hosting community events where the public will get an opportunity to learn and share their thoughts on the project!

2009 estuary crossing study published. 2010 the city of alameda bicycle master plan includes the project as a priority. 2016-2021 project is included in County and state plans. community engagement begins. 2021 new feasibility study is initiated and the USCG and Port of Oakland express support. 2022 planning study and alternative screening begins. 2022-2023 general public and key stakeholder engagement continues. 2024-2030 project sponsor determined, environmental review, final design, fundraising, continue community engagement. 2030 anticipated construction start.

Community Pop-ups and Workshops

Coming by Summer 2023!

How to Get Involved

We welcome and encourage you to engage with us! Please take our survey (below) to share your thoughts on key project decisions. Email the project team at with any questions on community engagement events or how to get more involved in stakeholder conversations. Subscribe to stay updated on the project.

Project Timeline

The following is a rough timeline of the different phases of our project. Currently, we are in the process of engaging with the public and community stakeholders. We are in the process of hosting community events where the public will get an opportunity to learn and share their thoughts on the project!

2009 estuary crossing study published. 2010 the city of alameda bicycle master plan includes the project as a priority. 2016-2021 project is included in County and state plans. community engagement begins. 2021 new feasibility study is initiated and the USCG and Port of Oakland express support. 2022 planning study and alternative screening begins. 2022-2023 general public and key stakeholder engagement continues. 2024-2030 project sponsor determined, environmental review, final design, fundraising, continue community engagement. 2030 anticipated construction start.

Community Pop-ups and Workshops

Coming by Summer 2023!

  • The Cities of Alameda and Oakland, and other partner agencies, are considering the construction of an estuary crossing for people walking and biking between West Oakland and Alameda. A key project benefit is enhanced pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between Alameda and Downtown Oakland that improves access to businesses, jobs, and local or regional transit hubs. The bridge will provide a safe, convenient, and green alternative to vehicle use. Following are some questions that will help us better understand your preferences.

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 02 Mar 2023, 04:19 PM