The design of the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge is still in the very early stages, with only general concepts developed. The following are examples of a few bicycle and pedestrian bridges that showcase different design concepts that have been implemented throughout the world, as well as early potential concepts for the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge. Many important details about the proposed bridge, including location, cost, bridge type, and height, have not been decided.
Millennium Bridge, England 2000
Photo credit:
Stillwater Lift Bridge, Minnesota 2020
Photo credit: Paul Dols
Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas, France 2013
Photo credit: David Aubert and Xavier Boymond
Potential Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Concept
Photo image: HNTB
Potential Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Concept
Photo image: HNTB
The design of the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge is still in the very early stages, with only general concepts developed. The following are examples of a few bicycle and pedestrian bridges that showcase different design concepts that have been implemented throughout the world, as well as early potential concepts for the Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge. Many important details about the proposed bridge, including location, cost, bridge type, and height, have not been decided.
Millennium Bridge, England 2000
Photo credit:
Stillwater Lift Bridge, Minnesota 2020
Photo credit: Paul Dols
Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas, France 2013
Photo credit: David Aubert and Xavier Boymond
Potential Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Concept
Photo image: HNTB
Potential Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge Concept
Photo image: HNTB
Page last updated: 21 Apr 2023, 04:17 PM
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Design Concepts has finished this stage
Estuary Crossing Study published
Design Concepts has finished this stage
The City of Alameda Bicycle Master Plan includes the project as a priority
Design Concepts has finished this stage
Project is included in County and State plans; community engagement begins
Design Concepts has finished this stage
New feasibility study is initiated and the USCG and Port of Oakland express support
Design Concepts has finished this stage
Planning Study and alternative screening begins
Design Concepts is currently at this stage
General public and key stakeholder engagement continues
this is an upcoming stage for Design Concepts
Project sponsor determined, environmental review, final design, fundraising, and continue community engagement.