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Fact Sheet

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Planning Documents

2009 Estuary Crossing Study

  • The main goal of an enhanced estuary crossing is to build a convenient and secure crossing that will boost the Bay Area's regional transit, bicycle, and pedestrian networks.

  • This study evaluated the potential for 17 crossing alternatives. A bridge was identified as the best long-term option.

2021 Estuary Crossing Study: Feasibility and Travel Demand Analysis

  • The feasibility study provided a broad overview of the alternatives that are under consideration. This provides a rundown of how each alternative would perform and give users a starting point with alterations to proposed alternatives.

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Materials

Equity and Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting Materials

Draft Purpose

Combating Climate Change:A new crossing will reduce motor vehicle trips between western Alameda and downtown Oakland, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Supporting Environmental Justice:The Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge will provide a zero-cost estuary crossing to better serve equity priority communities and environmental justice communities in western Alameda and downtown Oakland to help reduce local air pollutants and promote positive health outcomes.
Investing in Equity:The Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge will provide safe, convenient, and free access between downtown Oakland and West Alameda for those that cannot afford to own and operate a vehicle.
Responding to Deficiencies:The Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge will address a major deficiency on State Route 260 which does not provide standard, adequate bicycle and pedestrian access between two adjacent metropolitan areas and will close a major gap in the Regional Bay Trail network.

Draft Need

Sustainable Travel Option:
Cross-estuary bicycle and pedestrian facilities between western Alameda and downtown Oakland are limited to the Posey Tube. As a result, the estuary represents a barrier for bicycle and pedestrian travel between these two underserved communities.
Current Inadequate Pedestrian and Bicycle Path:
Currently, the only walking and biking connection between western Alameda and downtown Oakland is a narrow 3-foot-wide path through the Posey Tube, a dark vehicle tunnel. This is an inconvenient, sub-standard, and uncomfortable facility which leads more people who would otherwise bike or walk across the Estuary to drive.
Other Estuary Crossings are Too Far:
The next closest estuary crossing, Park St Bridge, is 2.5 miles away, further discouraging bicycle and pedestrian travel between West Alameda and downtown Oakland, Jack London Square, BART and Amtrak.
Environmentally-Friendly Alternative:Mode shift from motor vehicles could off-set the expected increase in air pollutant emissions, thereby protecting community health and promote increased physical activity. Local residents will have an environmentally friendly travel option that will help reduce air pollution and contributions to climate change.

Fact Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions

Planning Documents

2009 Estuary Crossing Study

  • The main goal of an enhanced estuary crossing is to build a convenient and secure crossing that will boost the Bay Area's regional transit, bicycle, and pedestrian networks.

  • This study evaluated the potential for 17 crossing alternatives. A bridge was identified as the best long-term option.

2021 Estuary Crossing Study: Feasibility and Travel Demand Analysis

  • The feasibility study provided a broad overview of the alternatives that are under consideration. This provides a rundown of how each alternative would perform and give users a starting point with alterations to proposed alternatives.

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Materials

Equity and Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting Materials

Draft Purpose

Combating Climate Change:A new crossing will reduce motor vehicle trips between western Alameda and downtown Oakland, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Supporting Environmental Justice:The Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge will provide a zero-cost estuary crossing to better serve equity priority communities and environmental justice communities in western Alameda and downtown Oakland to help reduce local air pollutants and promote positive health outcomes.
Investing in Equity:The Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge will provide safe, convenient, and free access between downtown Oakland and West Alameda for those that cannot afford to own and operate a vehicle.
Responding to Deficiencies:The Oakland-Alameda Estuary Bridge will address a major deficiency on State Route 260 which does not provide standard, adequate bicycle and pedestrian access between two adjacent metropolitan areas and will close a major gap in the Regional Bay Trail network.

Draft Need

Sustainable Travel Option:
Cross-estuary bicycle and pedestrian facilities between western Alameda and downtown Oakland are limited to the Posey Tube. As a result, the estuary represents a barrier for bicycle and pedestrian travel between these two underserved communities.
Current Inadequate Pedestrian and Bicycle Path:
Currently, the only walking and biking connection between western Alameda and downtown Oakland is a narrow 3-foot-wide path through the Posey Tube, a dark vehicle tunnel. This is an inconvenient, sub-standard, and uncomfortable facility which leads more people who would otherwise bike or walk across the Estuary to drive.
Other Estuary Crossings are Too Far:
The next closest estuary crossing, Park St Bridge, is 2.5 miles away, further discouraging bicycle and pedestrian travel between West Alameda and downtown Oakland, Jack London Square, BART and Amtrak.
Environmentally-Friendly Alternative:Mode shift from motor vehicles could off-set the expected increase in air pollutant emissions, thereby protecting community health and promote increased physical activity. Local residents will have an environmentally friendly travel option that will help reduce air pollution and contributions to climate change.

Page last updated: 01 Sep 2023, 02:54 PM